



(General Government Operations)
                                         单位:十亿元(In billions of  RMB Yuan
SDDS数据类别(SDDS Items) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
 收入(Revenue) 32499.9  29989.4  29279.3  25169.5  27014.9 
 支出( Expenditure) 39846.2  37835.8  34809.7  34791.1  31248.5 
 收支差额(Balance) -7346.3  -7846.4  -5530.4  -9621.6  -4233.6 
  融资 (Financing) 8812.2  7339.6  6759.7  8643.9  4897.4 
      国内融资(Domestic) 8795.9  7351.4  6706.2  8578.3  4838.5 
      国外融资(Foreign) 16.3  -11.8  53.5  65.6  58.9 
  按照期限划分的国内融资(Domestic Financing By Maturity) 8795.9  7351.4  6706.2  8578.3  4838.5 
      短期(Short Term) 538.3  594.4  287.8  873.4  98.5 
      长期( Long Term) 8257.6  6757.0  6418.4  7704.9  4740.0 
  按照期限划分的国外融资(Foreign Financing by Maturity) 16.3  -11.8  53.5  65.6  58.9 
      短期( Short Term)          
      长期 (Long Term) 16.3  -11.8  53.5  65.6  58.9 
 按工具划分的融资 (By type of Insturment) 8812.2  7339.6  6759.7  8643.9  4897.4 
   债券(Bonds) 8812.9  7340.1  6759.3  8644.3  4898.0 
   贷款(Loans) -0.7  -0.5  0.4  -0.4  -0.7 
 按币种划分的融资(By currency of denomination) 8812.2  7339.6  6759.7  8644.0  4897.4 
   本币(Domestic Currency) 8832.6  7357.9  6712.3  8573.3  4825.6 
      外币(Foreign Currency) -20.4  -18.3  47.4  70.7  71.8 
  按照债权人居住地的融资 (By residence of the creditor) 8812.2  7339.6  6759.7  8643.9  4897.4 
      居民( Domestic creditors) 8783.9  7350.5  6704.5  8577.6  4836.0 
     非居民(External creditors) 28.3  -10.9  55.2  66.3  61.4 
Note: 1.This table provides general government operations data , which is the annual national fiscal data in accordance with requirements of IMF's Special Data Dissemination Standard.
         2.The general government revenue data in the above table represents the consolidated operations of the general public budget, the government-managed funds budget(excluding the revenues from the sale of state-owned land-use rights), the state capital operation budget, and the social security funds budget. Consolidation entails eliminating any transfer payments among the four budgets. Similarly, the expenditure data apply the same method.
         3.The financing data in the above table do not include the payment for the principal of debt. 


